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Current File : /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/languages//id_ID-f8f49d9fc4a9cf7d78ec99285417bd9c.json
{"translation-revision-date":"2022-12-29 15:18:14+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.0-beta.2","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"id"},"Wood thrush singing in Central Park, NYC.":["Kayu thrush bernyanyi di Central Park, NYC."],"Video caption text":["Teks keterangan video"],"There is no poster image currently selected":["Saat ini tidak ada gambar poster terpilih"],"The current poster image url is %s":["URL gambar poster saat ini %s"],"Poster image":["Gambar poster"],"Video settings":["Pengaturan video"],"Add tracks":["Tambahkan trek"],"Remove track":["Hapus trek"],"Kind":["Jenis"],"Language tag (en, fr, etc.)":["Tag bahasa (en, fr, dll.)"],"Source language":["Bahasa sumber"],"Title of track":["Judul trek"],"Label":["Label"],"Edit track":["Edit trek"],"Text tracks":["Teks trek"],"Edit %s":["Sunting %s"],"Tracks can be subtitles, captions, chapters, or descriptions. They help make your content more accessible to a wider range of users.":["Trek dapat berupa subtitle, keterangan, bab, atau deskripsi. Mereka membantu membuat konten Anda lebih mudah diakses oleh lebih banyak pengguna."],"Descriptions":["Deskripsi:"],"Captions":["Keterangan"],"Subtitles":["Subjudul"],"Play inline":["Putar di sini"],"Playback controls":["Kontrol playback"],"Muted":["Dibisukan"],"WHAT was he doing, the great god Pan,\n\tDown in the reeds by the river?\nSpreading ruin and scattering ban,\nSplashing and paddling with hoofs of a goat,\nAnd breaking the golden lilies afloat\n    With the dragon-fly on the river.":["APA yang dia lakukan, dewa besar Pan,\n\tTurun di alang-alang di tepi sungai?\nMenyebarkan kehancuran dan hamburan larangan,\nMemercik dan mendayung dengan kuku kambing,\nDan memecahkan bunga lili emas mengapung\n     Dengan capung di atas sungai."],"Write verse\u2026":["Tulis puisi..."],"Verse text":["Teks puisi"],"New Column":["Kolom Baru"],"Column %d text":["Teks kolom %d"],"Term Description":["Deskripsi Istilah"],"Choose a %s":["Pilih %s"],"Default based on area (%s)":["Standar berdasarkan area (%s)"],"Area":["Area"],"Existing template parts":["Bagian template yang ada"],"Template Part \"%s\" inserted.":["Komponen Template \"%s\" dimasukkan."],"Choose an existing %s or create a new one.":["Pilih %s yang sudah ada atau buat baru."],"Create":["Membuat"],"Name and create your new %s":["Beri nama dan buat %s baru Anda"],"Template Part":["Komponen Template","Komponen Template"],"Untitled Template Part":["Komponen Template Tanpa Judul"],"Largest size":["Ukuran paling besar"],"Smallest size":["Ukuran paling kecil"],"Number of tags":["Jumlah tag"],"Taxonomy":["Taksonomi"],"Tag Cloud settings":["Pengaturan Tag Cloud"],"- Select -":["- Pilih -"],"December 6, 2018":["6 Desember 2018"],"February 21, 2019":["21 Februari 2019"],"May 7, 2019":["7 Mei 2019"],"Release Date":["Tanggal Rilis"],"Jazz Musician":["Musisi Jazz"],"Version":["Versi"],"Create Table":["Buat tabel"],"Row count":["Jumlah Baris"],"Column count":["Jumlah Kolom"],"Insert a table for sharing data.":["Sisipkan tabel untuk membagikan data."],"Table":["Tabel"],"Table caption text":["Teks keterangan tabel"],"Footer section":["Bagian footer"],"Header section":["Bagian header"],"Fixed width table cells":["Sel tabel lebar tetap"],"Table settings":["Pengaturan tabel"],"Edit table":["Edit tabel"],"Change column alignment":["Ganti perataan kolom"],"Footer label":["Label footer"],"Header label":["Label header"],"Footer cell text":["Teks sel footer"],"Body cell text":["Teks sel badan"],"Header cell text":["Teks sel header"],"Align column right":["Kolom Rata Kanan"],"Align column center":["Kolom Rata Tengah"],"Align column left":["Kolom Rata Kiri"],"Spacer settings":["Pengaturan jarak"],"Show labels":["Tampilkan label"],"Open links in new tab":["Buka tautan di jendela baru"],"Icon background":["Latar belakang ikon"],"Icon color":["Warna ikon"],"Click plus to add":["Klik simbol plus untuk menambah"],"Huge":["Besar"],"Normal":["Normal"],"Small":["Kecil"],"Briefly describe the link to help screen reader users.":["Penjelasan singkat tentang tautan untuk membantu pengguna pembaca layar."],"Link label":["Label tautan"],"%s label":["label %s "],"Enter address":["Masukkan alamat"],"Social Icon":["Ikon sosial media"],"Make title link to home":["Buat judul tautan ke beranda"],"Site Title placeholder":["Placeholder Judul Situs"],"Write site title\u2026":["Tulis judul situs\u2026"],"Site title text":["Teks judul situs"],"Site Tagline placeholder":["Placeholder Tagline Situs"],"Write site tagline\u2026":["Tulis tagline situs..."],"Site tagline text":["Teks tagline situs"],"Add a site logo":["Tambahkan logo situs"],"Use as site icon":["Gunakan sebagai ikon situs"],"Link image to home":["Tautkan gambar ke beranda."],"Image width":["Lebar gambar"],"Site Icons are what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars, and within the WordPress mobile apps. To use a custom icon that is different from your site logo, use the <a>Site Icon settings<\/a>.":["Ikon Situs adalah apa yang Anda lihat di tab browser, bar bookmark, dan aplikasi ponsel WordPress. Untuk menggunakan ikon khusus yang berbeda dari logo situs Anda, gunakan <a>pengaturan Ikon Situs<\/a>."],"Write shortcode here\u2026":["Tulis shortcode di sini..."],"Shortcode text":["Teks shortcode"],"Shortcode":["Shortcode"],"Add label\u2026":["Tambahkan label..."],"Label text":["Teks label"],"Percentage Width":["Persentase Lebar"],"Use button with icon":["Gunakan tombol dengan ikon"],"Change button position":["Ubah posisi tombol"],"Toggle search label":["Alihkan label pencarian"],"Add button text\u2026":["Tambahkan teks tombol..."],"Optional placeholder\u2026":["Placeholder pilihan\u2026"],"Optional placeholder text":["Teks placeholder pilihan"],"No button":["Tanpa tombol"],"Button inside":["Tombol dalam"],"Button outside":["Tombol luar"],"Display author":["Tampilkan penulis"],"Number of items":["Jumlah item"],"RSS settings":["Pengaturan RSS"],"Edit RSS URL":["Edit URL RSS"],"Use URL":["Gunakan URL"],"Enter URL here\u2026":["Masukkan URL di sini..."],"Convert to regular blocks":["Ubah ke Blok Biasa"],"Block has been deleted or is unavailable.":["Blok telah dihapus atau tidak tersedia."],"In quoting others, we cite ourselves.":["Dalam mengutip orang lain, kami mengutip diri kami sendiri."],"Quote citation text":["Teks sitiran kutipan"],"Quote text":["Teks kutipan"],"Display the archive title based on the queried object.":["Menampilkan judul arsip sesuai objek yang dikueri."],"Archive Title":["Judul Arsip"],"Archive title":["Judul arsip"],"Provided type is not supported.":["Tipe yang tersedia tidak didukung."],"Previous page link":["Tautan halaman sebelumnya"],"Next page link":["Tautan halaman berikutnya"],"Arrow option for Query Pagination Next\/Previous blocks\u0004Chevron":["Chevron"],"Arrow option for Query Pagination Next\/Previous blocks\u0004Arrow":["Panah"],"Arrow option for Query Pagination Next\/Previous blocks\u0004None":["Tidak ada"],"A decorative arrow appended to the next and previous page link.":["Simbol panah ditambahkan pada tautan halaman selanjutnya dan sebelumnya."],"Add text or blocks that will display when the query returns no results.":["Tambahkan teks atau blok yang akan ditampilkan jika tidak ada hasil dari kueri. "],"<a>Create a new post<\/a> for this feed.":["<a>Buat pos baru<\/a> untuk feed ini."],"Image, Date, & Title":["Gambar, Tanggal, & Judul"],"Title, Date, & Excerpt":["Judul, Tanggal, & Ringkasan"],"Title & Excerpt":["Judul & Ringkasan"],"Title & Date":["Judul & Tanggal"],"Display a list of your most recent posts, excluding sticky posts.":["Tampilkan daftar pos terbaru Anda, kecuali pos lekat."],"Posts List":["Daftar Artikel"],"Choose a pattern":["Pilih pola"],"Choose a pattern for the query loop or start blank.":["Pilih pola untuk query loop atau mulai dari awal."],"Keyword":["Kata kunci"],"Filters":["Penyaring"],"WordPress contains different types of content and they are divided into collections called \"Post types\". By default there are a few different ones such as blog posts and pages, but plugins could add more.":["WordPress mempunyai beberapa tipe konten yang terbagi dalam kolompok bernama \"Post Type\". Secara standar, contohnya adalah artikel blog dan halaman, tetapi Anda bisa menambahkan post type baru menggunakan plugin."],"Post type":["Post type"],"Toggle to use the global query context that is set with the current template, such as an archive or search. Disable to customize the settings independently.":["Alihkan untuk menggunakan konteks kueri global yang disetel dengan templat saat ini, seperti arsip atau pencarian. Nonaktifkan untuk menyesuaikan pengaturan secara mandiri."],"Inherit query from template":["Mewarisi kueri dari template"],"Blog posts can be \"stickied\", a feature that places them at the top of the front page of posts, keeping it there until new sticky posts are published.":["Artikel dapat \"ditempel\", sebuah fitur yang menempatkan artikel di bagian atas halaman depan pos-pos, menjaganya tetap di sana hingga sebuah artikel tertempel lainnya dipublikasi."],"Sticky posts":["Pos lekat"],"Only":["Hanya"],"Exclude":["Kecualikan"],"Include":["Mencakup"],"Authors":["Penulis"],"Order by":["Urutkan berdasarkan"],"Z \u2192 A":["Z \t A"],"A \u2192 Z":["A \t Z"],"Oldest to newest":["Terlama ke terbaru"],"Newest to oldest":["Terbaru ke terdahulu"],"Max page to show":["Jumlah halaman maksimum yang diperlihatkan"],"Limit the pages you want to show, even if the query has more results. To show all pages use 0 (zero).":["Batasi halaman yang ingin Anda tampilkan, meskipun kueri memiliki hasil lebih banyak. Untuk menampilkan semua halaman gunakan 0 (nol)."],"Offset":["Offset"],"Items per Page":["Item per Halaman"],"Display settings":["Pengaturan tampilan"],"Matt Mullenweg":["Matt Mullenweg"],"One of the hardest things to do in technology is disrupt yourself.":["Salah satu hal paling sulit dilakukan dalam teknologi adalah mengalahkan diri sendiri."],"Add citation":["Tambahkan sitiran"],"Pullquote citation text":["Teks kutipan pullquote"],"Add quote":["Tambahkan kutipan"],"Pullquote text":["Teks pullquote"],"EXT. XANADU - FAINT DAWN - 1940 (MINIATURE)\nWindow, very small in the distance, illuminated.\nAll around this is an almost totally black screen. Now, as the camera moves slowly towards the window which is almost a postage stamp in the frame, other forms appear;":["EXT. XANADU - FAINT DAWN - 1940 (MINIATUR)\nJendela, sangat kecil di kejauhan, diterangi.\nSemua di sekitarnya adalah layar yang hampir sepenuhnya hitam. Sekarang, ketika kamera bergerak perlahan ke arah jendela yang hampir seperti perangko di bingkai, bentuk lain muncul;"],"Write preformatted text\u2026":["Tulis teks yang sudah diformat..."],"Preformatted text":["Teks praformat"],"Make title a link":["Buat tautan judul"],"No Title":["Tanpa Judul"],"Display a post's tags.":["Tampilkan tag pos."],"Post Tags":["Tag Pos"],"Display a post's categories.":["Tampilkan kategori pos."],"Post Categories":["Kategori Pos"],"Term items not found.":["Item istilah tidak ditemukan."],"Enter character(s) used to separate terms.":["Masukkan tanda pemisah term."],"Separator":["Pembatas"],"Displays the post link that precedes the current post.":["Menampilkan tautan artikel sebelum artikel berikut."],"Displays the post link that follows the current post.":["Menampilkan tautan artikel setelah artikel berikut."],"An example title":["Judul contoh"],"Include the label as part of the link":["Sertakan label sebagai bagian dari tautan"],"If you have entered a custom label, it will be prepended before the title.":["Jika Anda telah memasukkan label khusus, maka akan ditambahkan sebelum judul."],"Display the title as a link":["Tampilkan judul sebagai tautan"],"Previous post":["Artikel sebelumnya"],"Next post":["Artikel selanjutnya"],"Previous: ":["Sebelumnya:"],"Next: ":["Selanjutnya:"],"Featured image":["Gambar andalan"],"Featured image: %s":["Gambar andalan: %s"],"Add a featured image":["Tambah gambar unggulan"],"Select the size of the source image.":["Pilih ukuran gambar sumber."],"Image scaling options\u0004Scale":["Skala"],"Image will be stretched and distorted to completely fill the space.":["Gambar akan dibentangkan dan didistorsi untuk mengisi ruang sepenuhnya."],"Image is scaled to fill the space without clipping nor distorting.":["Gambar diperbesar\/kecil untuk mengisi ruang tanpa pemangkasan atau distorsi."],"Image is scaled and cropped to fill the entire space without being distorted.":["Gambar diperbesar\/kecil dan dipotong untuk mengisi semua ruang tanpa distorsi."],"Scale option for Image dimension control\u0004Fill":["Isi"],"Scale option for Image dimension control\u0004Contain":["Memuat"],"Scale option for Image dimension control\u0004Cover":["Sampul "],"Show link on new line":["Tampilkan tautan pada baris baru"],"Post Excerpt Settings":["Pengaturan Ringkasan Pos"],"No post excerpt found":["Tidak ada ringkasan pos"],"Post excerpt text":["Tulisan ringkasan pos"],"Add \"read more\" link text":["Tambahkan teks tautan \"baca selengkapnya\""],"\"Read more\" link text":["Teks tautan \"Baca selengkapnya\""],"If there are any Custom Post Types with support for excerpts, the Post Excerpt block can display the excerpts of those entries as well.":["Jika ada Post Type Khusus yang mendukung fitur ringkasan, blok Ringkasan Pos dapat menampilkan ringkasan dari entri tersebut."],"This is the Post Excerpt block, it will display the excerpt from single posts.":["Ini adalah blok Ringkasan Pos yang akan menampilkan ringkasan pos."],"Link to post":["Tautkan ke pos"],"Link to %s":["Taut ke %s"],"Change Date":["Ubah Tanggal"],"Post Date":["Tanggal Artikel"],"If there are any Custom Post Types registered at your site, the Post Content block can display the contents of those entries as well.":["Jika ada Tipe Pos Khusus yang terdaftar di situs Anda, blok Konten Pos juga dapat menampilkan konten dari entri tersebut."],"That might be a simple arrangement like consecutive paragraphs in a blog post, or a more elaborate composition that includes image galleries, videos, tables, columns, and any other block types.":["Itu mungkin pengaturan sederhana seperti paragraf berurutan dalam artikel blog, atau komposisi yang lebih rumit yang mencakup galeri gambar, video, tabel, kolom, dan tipe blok lainnya."],"This is the Post Content block, it will display all the blocks in any single post or page.":["Ini adalah blok Konten Pos, yang akan menampilkan semua blok dalam pos tunggal atau laman."],"Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled.":["Blok Formulir Komentar Pos: Komentar tidak diaktifkan."],"Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled for this post type (%s).":["Blok Formulir Komentar Artikel: Komentar tidak diaktifkan untuk tipe konten berikut (%s)."],"action that affects the current post\u0004Enable comments":["Aktifkan komentar"],"Post Comments Form block: Comments are not enabled for this item.":["Blok Formulir Komentar Pos: Komentar tidak diaktifkan untuk jenis item ini."],"Commenter avatars come from <a>Gravatar<\/a>":["Avatar komentator berasal dari <a>Gravatar<\/a>"],"To get started with moderating, editing, and deleting comments, please visit the Comments screen in the dashboard.":["Untuk memulai memoderasi, menyunting, dan menghapus komentar, mohon kunjungi layar Komentar di dasbor."],"Hi, this is a comment.":["Hai, berikut adalah sebuah komentar."],"January 1, 2000 at 12:00 am":["1 Januari 2000 pukul 00:00"],"A WordPress Commenter":["Seorang Komentator WordPress"],"%s <span>says:<\/span>":["%s <span>mengatakan:<\/span>"],"Post Comments block: Comments are not enabled.":["Blok Pos Komentar: Komentar tidak diaktifkan."],"Post Comments block: Comments for this post type (%s) are not enabled.":["Blok Komentar Pos: Komentar untuk post type %s tidak diaktifkan."],"Post Comments block: Comments to this %s are not allowed.":["Blok Komentar Pos: Komentar untuk %s tidak diizinkan."],"Post Comments block: This is just a placeholder, not a real comment. The final styling may differ because it also depends on the current theme. For better compatibility with the Block Editor, please consider replacing this block with the \"Comments Query Loop\" block.":["Blok Komentar Pos: Ini cuma placeholder, bukan komentar yang sebenarnya. Gaya akhir mungkin berbeda karena bergantung pada tema yang aktif. Untuk kompatibilitas yang lebih baik dengan Editor Blok, pertimbangkan untuk mengganti blok berikut dengan blok \"Query Loop Komentar\"."],"Post Title":["Judul Artikel"],"Comment":["Komentar"],"Author Biography":["Biografi Penulis"],"Post Author":["Penulis Artikel"],"Write byline\u2026":["Tulis menurut baris\u2026"],"Post author byline text":["Teks pada baris penulis artikel"],"Show bio":["Tampilkan biografi"],"Avatar size":["Ukuran avatar"],"Show avatar":["Tampilkan avatar"],"Author Settings":["Pengaturan Penulis"],"In a village of La Mancha, the name of which I have no desire to call to mind, there lived not long since one of those gentlemen that keep a lance in the lance-rack, an old buckler, a lean hack, and a greyhound for coursing.":["Di sebuah desa di La Mancha, nama yang tidak ingin saya ingat, tidak lama sejak seorang dari mereka menyimpan lembing di sebuah rak, pernah tinggal seorang penipu tua, seorang penulis yang kurus, dan seekor anjing greyhound untuk berburu kelinci."],"Empty block; start writing or type forward slash to choose a block":["Blok kosong; mulai menulis atau ketik garing untuk memilih blok"],"Paragraph block":["Blok paragraf"],"Toggle to show a large initial letter.":["Klik untuk membuat kapitalisasi huruf pertama."],"Showing large initial letter.":["Menampilkan huruf besar di awal."],"Drop cap":["Huruf awal besar"],"Page List: Cannot retrieve Pages.":["Daftar Halaman: Tidak dapat membuka Halaman."],"Convert":["Konversi"],"Note: if you add new pages to your site, you'll need to add them to your navigation menu.":["Catatan: jika Anda menambahkan halaman baru ke situs Anda, Anda harus menambahkannya ke menu navigasi Anda."],"To edit this navigation menu, convert it to single page links. This allows you to add, re-order, remove items, or edit their labels.":["Untuk mengedit menu navigasi ini, ubah ke tautan halaman tunggal. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menambah, mengurutkan ulang, menghapus item, atau mengedit labelnya."],"Convert to links":["Ubah jadi tautan"],"Link removed.":["Tautan dihapus."],"Convert to Link":["Ubah jadi Tautan"],"navigation link preview example\u0004Example Link":["Contoh Tautan"],"A link to a tag.":["Tautan untuk tag."],"Tag Link":["Tautan Tag"],"A link to a category.":["Tautan untuk kategori."],"Category Link":["Tautan Kategori"],"A link to a page.":["Tautan untuk halaman."],"Page Link":["Tautan Halaman"],"A link to a post.":["Tautan untuk artikel."],"Post Link":["Tautan Artikel"],"A link to a custom URL.":["Tautan ke URL khusus."],"Create draft page: <mark>%s<\/mark>":["Buat draft halaman: <mark>%s<\/mark>"],"Create draft post: <mark>%s<\/mark>":["Tulis draf artikel: <mark>%s<\/mark>"],"Navigation link text":["Teks tautan navigasi"],"The description will be displayed in the menu if the current theme supports it.":["Deskripsi tersebut akan ditampilkan dalam menu jika tema saat ini mendukungnya."],"Add submenu":["Tambahkan submenu"],"This item is missing a link":["Item ini kehilangan tautan"],"This item has been deleted, or is a draft":["Item ini telah dihapus, atau merupakan konsep"],"Add link\u2026":["Tambahkan tautan\u2026"],"Transform":["Ubah"],"Add link":["Tambahkan tautan"],"Select tag":["Pilih tag"],"Select category":["Pilih Kategori"],"Select page":["Pilih halaman"],"Select post":["Pilih pos"],"Contact":["Kontak"],"About":["Perihal"],"Navigation menu %s successfully deleted.":["Menu navigasi %s berhasil dihapus."],"Switch to '%s'":["Beralih ke '%s'"],"Block cannot be rendered inside itself.":["Blok tidak dapat dirender di dalam dirinya sendiri."],"Create a new menu?":["Buat menu baru?"],"Navigation menu has been deleted or is unavailable. ":["Menu navigasi telah dihapus atau tidak tersedia."],"New Navigation Menu created.":["Menu Navigasi Baru dibuat."],"Submenu & overlay background":["Submenu & latar belakang overlay"],"Submenu & overlay text":["Teks submenu & overlay"],"Show arrow":["Tampilkan panah"],"Open on click":["Buka saat klik"],"Submenus":["Submenu"],"Always":["Selalu"],"Off":["Mati"],"Collapses the navigation options in a menu icon opening an overlay.":["Tutup pilihan navigasi di ikon menu yang membuka lapisan atas."],"Configure overlay menu":["Konfigurasi lapisan menu atas"],"Overlay Menu":["Menu Overlay"],"Configure the visual appearance of the button opening the overlay menu.":["Konfigurasikan tampilan visual tombol yang membuka menu overlay."],"Show icon button":["Tampilkan tombol ikon"],"Display":["Tampilan"],"You do not have permission to create Navigation Menus.":["Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membuat Menu Navigasi."],"You do not have permission to edit this Menu. Any changes made will not be saved.":["Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menyunting Menu ini. 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Anon7 - 2022
AnonSec Team