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PHP Version : 7.4.18
Disable Function : pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wifcontinued,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_get_handler,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority,pcntl_async_signals,pcntl_unshare,
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Current File : /sbin/exim_convert4r4
#! /usr/bin/perl

# This is a Perl script that reads an Exim run-time configuration file for
# Exim 3. It makes what changes it can for Exim 4, and also output commentary
# on what it has done, and on things it cannot do.

# It is assumed that the input is a valid Exim 3 configuration file.

use warnings;
BEGIN { pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.' };

use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;

    'version' => sub {
        print basename($0) . ": $0\n",
            "build: 4.96\n",
            "perl(runtime): $^V\n";
            exit 0;

# These are lists of main options which are abolished in Exim 4.
# The first contains options that are used to construct new options.

@skipped_options = (

# The second contains options that are completely abolished and have
# no equivalent.

@abolished_options = (

# This is a list of options that are not otherwise handled, but which
# contain domain or host lists that have to be processed so that any
# regular expressions are marked "not for expansion".

@list_options = (

#          Output problem rubric once            #

sub rubric {
return if $rubric_output;
$rubric_output = 1;
print STDERR "\n" .
"** The following comments describe problems that have been encountered\n" .
"   while converting an Exim 3 runtime file for Exim 4. More detail can\n" .
"   be found in the file doc/Exim4.upgrade.\n";

#             Analyse one line                   #

sub checkline{
my($line) = $_[0];

return "comment" if $line =~ /^\s*(#|$)/;
return "end"     if $line =~ /^\s*end\s*$/i;

# Macros are recognized only in the first section of the file.

return "macro" if $prefix eq "" && $line =~ /^\s*[A-Z]/;

# In retry and rewrite sections, the type is always "other"

return "other" if $prefix eq "=retry" || $prefix eq "=rewrite";

# Pick out the name at the start and the rest of the line (into global
# variables) and return whether the start of a driver or not.

($hide,$name,$rest) = $line =~ /^\s*(hide\s+|)([a-z0-9_]+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/;

# If $rest begins with a colon, this is a driver name

return "driver" if $rest =~ /^:/;

# If $rest begins with an = the value of the option is given explicitly;
# remove the = from the start. Turn "yes"/"no" into "true"/"false".

if ($rest =~ /^=/)
  $rest =~ s/^=\s*//;
  $rest = "true" if $rest eq "yes";
  $rest = "false" if $rest eq "no";

# Otherwise we have a boolean option. Set up a "true"/"false" value.

  if ($name =~ /^not?_/)     # Recognize "no_" or "not_"
    $rest = "false";
    $name =~ s/^not?_//;
    $rest = "true";

return "option";

#       Negate a list of things                  #

# Can be tricky, because there may be comment lines in the list.
# Also, lists may have different delimiters.

sub negate {
my($list) = $_[0];
my($delim) = ":";
my($leadin) = "";

return $list if ! defined $list;

($list) = $list =~ /^"?(.*?)"?\s*$/s;      # Remove surrounding quotes
$list =~ s/\\\s*\n\s*//g;                  # Remove continuation markers

if ($list =~ /^(\s*<(\S)\s*)(.*)/s)
  $leadin = $1;
  $delim = $2;
  $list = $3;

$list =~ s/^\s+//;
$list =~ s/\Q$delim$delim/>%%%%</g;
@split = split /\s*\Q$delim\E\s*/s, $list;

foreach $item (@split)
  $item =~ s/>%%%%</$delim$delim/g;

  if ($item =~ /^\s*#/)
    $item =~ s/((?:^\s*#[^\n]*\n)+\s*)/$1! /mg;
    $item =~ s/!\s*!//sg;
    if ($item =~ /^\s*!(.*)/)
      { $item = $1; }
      { $item = "! " . $item; }

$" = " $delim \\\n    ";
$leadin .= " " if $leadin !~ /(^|\s)$/;
return "$leadin@split";

#   Prevent regex expansion in a list of things  #

# Can be tricky, because there may be comment lines in the list.
# Also, lists may have different delimiters.

sub no_expand_regex {
my($list) = $_[0];
my($delim) = ":";
my($leadin) = "";

return $list if ! defined $list;

$delim = $_[1] if (defined $_[1]);

my($is_route_list) = $delim eq ";";

($list) = $list =~ /^"?(.*?)"?\s*$/s;      # Remove surrounding quotes
$list =~ s/\\\s*\n\s*//g;                  # Remove continuation markers

if ($list =~ /^(\s*<(\S)\s*)(.*)/s)
  $leadin = $1;
  $delim = $2;
  $list = $3;

$list =~ s/^\s+//;
$list =~ s/\Q$delim$delim/>%%%%</g;
@split = split /\s*\Q$delim\E\s*/s, $list;

my($changed) = 0;
foreach $item (@split)
  $item =~ s/>%%%%</$delim$delim/g;
  if ($item =~ /^\^/)
    # Fudge for route_list items

    if ($is_route_list)
      $item = "\\N$item";      # Only one item ...
      $item = "\\N$item\\N";
    $changed = 1;
print STDOUT
  "#!!# Regular expressions enclosed in \\N...\\N to avoid expansion\n"
    if $changed;

$" = " $delim \\\n    ";
$leadin .= " " if $leadin !~ /(^|\s)$/;
return "$leadin@split";

#      Sort out lookups in an address list       #

# Can be tricky, because there may be comment lines in the list.
# Also, lists may have different delimiters.

sub sort_address_list {
my($list) = $_[0];
my($name) = $_[1];
my($delim) = ":";
my($leadin) = "";
my($quoted) = 0;

return $list if ! defined $list;

if ($list =~ /^"(.*?)"\s*$/s)            # Remove surrounding quotes
  $list = $1;
  $quoted = 1;

$list =~ s/\\\s*\n\s*//g;                  # Remove continuation markers

if ($list =~ /^(\s*<(\S)\s*)(.*)/s)
  $leadin = $1;
  $delim = $2;
  $list = $3;

$list =~ s/^\s+//;
$list =~ s/\Q$delim$delim/>%%%%</g;
@split = split /\s*\Q$delim\E\s*/s, $list;

foreach $item (@split)
  $item =~ s/>%%%%</$delim$delim/g;
  if ($item =~ /^\s*(?:partial-)?(\w+;.*)$/)
    my($lookup) = $1;
    if ($lookup =~ /^lsearch|^dbm|^cdb|^nis[^p]/)
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 \"$name\" option specifies an address\n" .
"   list that includes the item\n\n" .
"     $item\n\n" .
"   In Exim 4 address lists, single-key lookups without a local part just\n" .
"   look up the complete address. They don't also try the domain, as\n" .
"   happened in Exim 3. The item has been rewritten as two items to make\n" .
"   it behave in the same way as Exim 3, but you should check to see if\n" .
"   this is actually what you want.\n";

      $item = "*\@$item $delim $lookup";

$" = " $delim \\\n    ";
$leadin .= " " if $leadin !~ /(^|\s)$/;

return $quoted? "\"$leadin@split\"" : "$leadin@split";

#       Quote a string against expansion         #

# Used for setting up new "domains" options

sub expquote {
my($s) = $_[0];
$s =~ s/\$/\\\$/sg;
$s =~ s/\\(?!\s*\n)/\\\\/sg;
return $s;

#          Dequote an option string              #

# If the original list is not quoted, do nothing.
# If it is quoted, just get rid of the quotes.

sub unquote {
my($s) = $_[0];
$s =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/s;
return $s;

#      Quote/dequote an option string            #

# If the original list is not quoted, quote it against expansion.
# If it is quoted, just get rid of the quotes. Also, indent any
# continuations.

sub acl_quote {
my($s) = $_[0];
$s = ($s =~ /^"(.*)"$/s)? $1 : &expquote($s);
$s =~ s/\n/\n  /g;
$s =~ s/\n\s{11,}/\n           /g;
return $s;

#       Handle abolished driver options          #

sub abolished {
my($hash) = shift @_;
my($name) = shift @_;
for $abolished (@_)
  if (defined $$hash{$abolished})
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** $name used the \"$abolished\" option, which no\n".
"   longer exists. The option has been removed.\n";
    print STDOUT "#!!# $abolished option removed\n";
    delete $$hash{$abolished};

#        Handle renamed driver options           #

sub renamed {
my($hash,$old,$new) = @_;
if (defined $$hash{$old})
  print STDOUT "#!!# $old renamed $new\n";
  $$hash{$new} = $$hash{$old};
  delete $$hash{$old};

#      Comment on user names in require_files    #

sub check_require {
my($string, $name) = @_;

$string =~ s/::/[[[]]]/g;
my(@list) = split /:/, $string;

for $item (@list)
  if ($item =~ /^\s*[\w,]+\s*$/)
    $item =~ s/^\s*//;
    $item =~ s/\s*$//;
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** A setting of require_files in the $name contains\n" .
"   what appears to be a user name ('$item'). The ability to check files\n" .
"   as a specific user is done differently in Exim 4. In fact, because the\n" .
"   routers run as root, you may not need this at all.\n"

#        Handle current and home directory       #

sub handle_current_and_home_directory {
my($hash,$driver,$name) = @_;

for ("current_directory", "home_directory")
  if (defined $$hash{$_} && $$hash{$_} eq "check_local_user")
    my($article) = (substr($driver, 0, 1) eq "a")? "an" : "a";
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains $article '$driver' director called\n" .
"   '$name', which set '$_' to the special value\n" .
"   'check_local_user'. This facility has been abolished in Exim 4 because\n" .
"   it is no longer necessary. The setting has therefore been omitted. See\n" .
"   note X.\n";
    delete $$hash{$_};
    &renamed($hash, $_, "transport_$_");

#    Handle batch/bsmtp for appendfile/pipe      #

sub handle_batch_and_bsmtp{
my($hash) = @_;

if (defined $$hash{"bsmtp"})
  if ($$hash{"bsmtp"} ne "none")
    $$hash{"use_bsmtp"} = "true";
    $$hash{"message_prefix"} = "\"HELO \$primary_host_name\\n\""
      if defined $$hash{"bsmtp_helo"} && $$hash{"bsmtp_helo"} eq "true";

  if ($$hash{"bsmtp"} eq "one")
    delete $$hash{"batch"};
    $$hash{"batch"} = $$hash{"bsmtp"};

  delete $$hash{"bsmtp"};
  delete $$hash{"bsmtp_helo"};

if (defined $$hash{"batch"} && $$hash{"batch"} ne "none")
  $$hash{"batch_max"} = "100" if !defined $$hash{"batch_max"};
  $$hash{"batch_id"} = "\$domain" if $$hash{"batch"} eq "domain";
  $$hash{"batch_max"} = "1" if defined $$hash{"batch_max"};
delete $$hash{"batch"};

#              Output one option                 #

sub outopt {
my($hash, $key, $no_expand) = @_;
my($data) = $$hash{$key};

print STDOUT "hide " if defined $$hash{"$key-hide"};

# Output booleans in the form that doesn't use "="

if ($data eq "true")
  print STDOUT "$key\n";
elsif ($data eq "false")
  print STDOUT "no_$key\n";
  if ($no_expand)
    printf STDOUT ("$key = %s\n", &no_expand_regex($data));
    print STDOUT "$key = $data\n";

#       Output the options for one driver        #

# Put the "driver" option first

sub outdriver {
my($hash) = $_[0];
print STDOUT "  driver = $$hash{'driver'}\n";
foreach $key (sort keys %$hash)
  next if $key eq "driver" || $key =~ /-hide$/;
  print STDOUT "  ";
  &outopt($hash, $key, 0);

#      Output a rewrite or a retry line          #

# These lines start with patterns which are now always expanded. If the
# pattern is a regex, arrange for it not to expand.

sub print_no_expand {
my($s) = $_[0];
if ($s =~ /^\^/)
  if (!$escape_output)
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** You have a retry or rewrite pattern that is a regular expression. Because\n" .
"   these patterns are now always expanded, you need to be sure that the\n" .
"   special characters in the regex are not interpreted by the expander.\n" .
"   \\N has been inserted at the start of the regex to prevent the rest of\n" .
"   it from being expanded.\n";
    $escape_output = 1;
  print STDOUT "\\N";
print STDOUT "$s\n";

#          Test a boolean main option            #

# This just saves a lot of typing

sub bool {
return defined $main{$_[0]} && $main{$_[0]} eq "true";

#                  Main program                  #

print STDERR "Runtime configuration file converter for Exim release 4.\n";

if( !defined $ENV{"CONVERT4R4"} || $ENV{"CONVERT4R4"} ne "I understand this is an unsupported tool" ) {

  print STDERR <<EOF;
convert4r4 on Debian GNU/Linux deprecated

This tool is unsupported by upstream and discouraged by the Debian Exim 4
maintainers. It has multiple known bugs, and you need to manually
review its output after using it anyway. Please seriously consider complete
manual regeneration of the Exim 4 configuration, preferably by using the new
Debconf interface to Exim 4.

If you decide to ignore this advice and to use this script anyway,
setting the environment variable CONVERT4R4 to the value
\"I understand this is an unsupported tool\"
will allow you to run the script. If you find bugs, you get to keep
the pieces. Please do not file bugs against this script in the Debian
BTS without providing a patch fixing the bugs, and please do not
expect the upstream exim-users mailing list to answer questions.

Kind regards
the Debian Exim4 Maintainers

  exit 1;

$transport_start = $director_start = $router_start = $retry_start
  = $rewrite_start = $auth_start = 999999;

$macro_output = "";
$rubric_output = 0;
$errmsg_output = 0;
$key_output = 0;
$unk_output = 0;
$escape_output = 0;
$add_no_more = 0;
$add_caseful_local_part = 0;
$done_dns_check_names = 0;

$queue_only_load_was_present = 0;
$deliver_queue_load_max_was_present = 0;

# Read the entire file into an array

chomp(@c = <STDIN>);
$clen = scalar @c;

# Remove the standard comment that appears at the end of the default

if ($clen > 0 && $c[$clen-1] =~ /^#\s*End of Exim configuration file\s*/i)
  pop @c;

# The first pass over the input fishes out all the options settings in the
# main, transport, director, and router sections, and places their values in
# associative arrays. It also notes the starting position of all the sections.

$prefix = "";
%main = ();
$hash = \%main;

for ($i = 0; $i < $clen; $i++)
  # Change references to +allow_unknown and +warn_unknown into +include_unknown

  if ($c[$i] =~ /\+(?:allow|warn)_unknown/)
    if (!$unk_output)
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** You have used '+allow_unknown' or '+warn_unknown' in a configuration\n" .
"   option. This has been converted to '+include_unknown', but the action\n" .
"   is different in Exim 4, so you should review all the relevant options.\n";
      $unk_output = 1;
    $c[$i] =~ s/\+(?:allow|warn)_unknown/+include_unknown/g;

  # Any reference to $errmsg_recipient is changed to $bounce_recipient

  if ($c[$i] =~ /\$errmsg_recipient/)
    if (!$errmsg_output)
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** References to \$errmsg_recipient have been changed to \$bounce_recipient\n";
      $errmsg_output = 1;
    $c[$i] =~ s/\$errmsg_recipient/\$bounce_recipient/g;

  # Analyse the type of line

  $type = &checkline($c[$i]);
  next if $type eq "comment";

  # Output a warning if $key is used

  if ($c[$i] =~ /\$key/ && !$key_output)
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** You have used '\$key' in a configuration option. This variable does not\n" .
"   exist in Exim 4. Instead, the value you need for your lookup will be\n" .
"   in one of the other variables such as '\$domain' or '\$host'. You will\n" .
"   need to edit the new configuration to sort this out.\n";
    $key_output = 1;

  # Save macro definitions so we can output them first; must handle
  # continuations.

  if ($type eq "macro")
    $macro_output .= "$c[$i++]\n" while $c[$i] =~ /\\\s*$|^\s*#/;
    $macro_output .= "$c[$i]\n";

  # Handle end of section

  elsif ($type eq "end")
    if ($prefix eq "=rewrite")
      $prefix = "a.";
      $auth_start = $i + 1;
    elsif ($prefix eq "=retry")
      $prefix = "=rewrite";
      $rewrite_start = $i + 1;
    elsif ($prefix eq "r.")
      $prefix = "=retry";
      $retry_start = $i + 1;
    elsif ($prefix eq "d.")
      $prefix = "r.";
      $router_start = $i + 1;
    elsif ($prefix eq "t.")
      $prefix = "d.";
      $director_start = $i + 1;
    elsif ($prefix eq "")
      $prefix = "t.";
      $transport_start = $i + 1;

  # Handle start of a new director, router or transport driver

  elsif ($type eq "driver" && $prefix !~ /^=/)
    $hash = {};
    if (defined $driverlist{"$prefix$name"})
      die "*** There are two drivers with the name \"$name\"\n";
    $driverlist{"$prefix$name"} = $hash;
    $first_director = $name if !defined $first_director && $prefix eq "d.";

  # Handle definition of an option; we must pull in any continuation
  # strings, and save the value in the current hash. Note if the option
  # is hidden.

  elsif ($type eq "option")
    my($nextline) = "";

    while ($i < $clen - 1 && ($rest =~ /\\\s*$/s || $nextline =~ /^\s*#/))
      $nextline = $c[++$i];
      $rest .= "\n$nextline";

    $$hash{$name} = $rest;
    $$hash{"$name-hide"} = 1 if $hide ne "";

# Generate the new configuration. Start with a warning rubric.

print STDOUT "#!!# This file is output from the convert4r4 script, which tries\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# to convert Exim 3 configurations into Exim 4 configurations.\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# However, it is not perfect, especially with non-simple\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# configurations. You must check it before running it.\n";
print STDOUT "\n\n";

# Output the macro definitions

if ($macro_output ne "")
  print STDOUT "#!!# All macro definitions have been gathered here to ensure\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# they precede any references to them.\n\n";
  print STDOUT "$macro_output\n";

# Output some default pointers to ACLs for RCPT and DATA time. If no Exim 3
# options that apply are set, non-restricting ACLs are generated.

print STDOUT "#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# are used for incoming SMTP messages - after the RCPT and DATA\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# commands, respectively.\n\n";

print STDOUT "acl_smtp_rcpt = check_recipient\n";
print STDOUT "acl_smtp_data = check_message\n\n";

if (defined $main{"auth_over_tls_hosts"})
  print STDOUT "#!!# This option specifies the Access Control List (ACL) that\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# is used after an AUTH command.\n\n";
  print STDOUT "acl_smtp_auth = check_auth\n\n";

if (&bool("smtp_verify") ||
    defined $main{"smtp_etrn_hosts"} ||
    defined $main{"smtp_expn_hosts"})
  print STDOUT "#!!# These options specify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# are used to control the ETRN, EXPN, and VRFY commands.\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# Where no ACL is defined, the command is locked out.\n\n";

  print STDOUT "acl_smtp_etrn = check_etrn\n" if defined $main{"smtp_etrn_hosts"};
  print STDOUT "acl_smtp_expn = check_expn\n" if defined $main{"smtp_expn_hosts"};
  print STDOUT "acl_smtp_vrfy = check_vrfy\n" if &bool("smtp_verify");
  print STDOUT "\n";

# If local_domains was set, get its value; otherwise set to "@". Add into it
# appropriate magic for local_domains_include_host[_literals].

$local_domains = (defined $main{"local_domains"})? $main{"local_domains"} : "@";

$ldsep = ":";
if ($local_domains =~ /^\s*<(.)\s*(.*)/s)
  $ldsep = $1;
  $local_domains = $2;

$local_domains = "\@[] $ldsep " . $local_domains
  if defined $main{"local_domains_include_host_literals"} &&
     $main{"local_domains_include_host_literals"} eq "true";

$local_domains = "\@ $ldsep " . $local_domains
  if defined $main{"local_domains_include_host"} &&
     $main{"local_domains_include_host"} eq "true";

$local_domains = "<$ldsep " . $local_domains if $ldsep ne ":";

# Output a domain list setting for these domains, provided something is defined

if ($local_domains !~ /^\s*$/)
  print STDOUT "#!!# This setting defines a named domain list called\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# local_domains, created from the old options that\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# referred to local domains. It will be referenced\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# later on by the syntax \"+local_domains\".\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# Other domain and host lists may follow.\n\n";

  printf STDOUT ("domainlist local_domains = %s\n\n",

$relay_domains = (defined $main{"relay_domains"})? $main{"relay_domains"} : "";

$ldsep = ":";
if ($relay_domains =~ /^\s*<(.)\s*(.*)/s)
  $ldsep = $1;

if (defined $main{"relay_domains_include_local_mx"})
  $relay_domains .= ($relay_domains =~ /^\s*$/)? "\@mx_any" :
    " $ldsep \@mx_any";

printf STDOUT ("domainlist relay_domains = %s\n",
    if $relay_domains !~ /^\s*$/;

# If ignore_errmsg_errors is set, we are going to force 0s as the value
# for ignore_errmsg_errors_after, so arrange to skip any other value.

push @skipped_options, "ignore_errmsg_errors_after"
   if &bool("ignore_errmsg_errors");

# If rbl_domains is set, split it up and generate six lists:
#   rbl_warn_domains, rbl_warn_domains_skiprelay
#   rbl_reject_domains, rbl_reject_domains_skiprelay
#   rbl_accept_domains, rbl_accept_domains_skiprelay

if (defined $main{"rbl_domains"})
  my($s) = &unquote($main{"rbl_domains"});
  $s =~ s/\s*\\\s*\n\s*/ /g;
  my(@list) = split /\s*:\s*/, $s;

  foreach $d (@list)
    my(@sublist) = split /\//, $d;
    my($name) = shift @sublist;
    my($warn) = 0;
    if (defined $main{"rbl_reject_recipients"})
      $warn = $main{"rbl_reject_recipients"} ne "true";

    foreach $o (@sublist)
      $warn = 1 if $o eq "warn";
      $warn = 0 if $o eq "reject";
      $warn = 2 if $o eq "accept";
      $skiprelay = 1 if $o eq "skiprelay";

    if ($skiprelay)
      if ($warn == 0)
        $rbl_reject_skiprelay .= ((defined $rbl_reject_skiprelay)? ":":"").$name;
      elsif ($warn == 1)
        $rbl_warn_skiprelay .= ((defined $rbl_warn_skiprelay)? ":":"").$name;
      elsif ($warn == 2)
        $rbl_accept_skiprelay .= ((defined $rbl_accept_skiprelay)? ":":"").$name;
      if ($warn == 0)
        $rbl_reject_domains .= ((defined $rbl_reject_domains)? ":":"").$name;
      elsif ($warn == 1)
        $rbl_warn_domains .= ((defined $rbl_warn_domains)? ":":"").$name;
      elsif ($warn == 2)
        $rbl_accept_domains .= ((defined $rbl_accept_domains)? ":":"").$name;

# Output host list settings

printf STDOUT ("hostlist auth_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"auth_hosts"};
printf STDOUT ("hostlist rbl_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"rbl_hosts"};
printf STDOUT ("hostlist relay_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"host_accept_relay"};
printf STDOUT ("hostlist auth_relay_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"host_auth_accept_relay"};

printf STDOUT ("hostlist auth_over_tls_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"auth_over_tls_hosts"};
printf STDOUT ("hostlist tls_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"tls_hosts"};
printf STDOUT ("hostlist tls_relay_hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"tls_host_accept_relay"};

print STDOUT "\n";

# Convert various logging options

$log_selector = "";
$sep = " \\\n             ";

if (defined $main{"log_level"})
  my($level) = $main{"log_level"};
  $log_selector .= "$sep -retry_defer$sep -skip_delivery" if $level < 5;
  $log_selector .= "$sep -lost_incoming_connection$sep -smtp_syntax_error" .
                   "$sep -delay_delivery" if $level < 4;
  $log_selector .= "$sep -size_reject" if $level < 2;

$log_selector .= "$sep -queue_run"
  if defined $main{"log_queue_run_level"} &&
     defined $main{"log_level"} &&
     $main{"log_queue_run_level"} > $main{"log_level"};

$log_selector .= "$sep +address_rewrite"       if &bool("log_rewrites");
$log_selector .= "$sep +all_parents"           if &bool("log_all_parents");
$log_selector .= "$sep +arguments"             if &bool("log_arguments");
$log_selector .= "$sep +incoming_port"         if &bool("log_incoming_port");
$log_selector .= "$sep +incoming_interface"    if &bool("log_interface");
$log_selector .= "$sep +received_sender"       if &bool("log_received_sender");
$log_selector .= "$sep +received_recipients"   if &bool("log_received_recipients");
$log_selector .= "$sep +sender_on_delivery"    if &bool("log_sender_on_delivery");
$log_selector .= "$sep +smtp_confirmation"     if &bool("log_smtp_confirmation");
$log_selector .= "$sep +smtp_connection"       if &bool("log_smtp_connections");
$log_selector .= "$sep +smtp_syntax_error"     if &bool("log_smtp_syntax_errors");
$log_selector .= "$sep +subject"               if &bool("log_subject");
$log_selector .= "$sep +tls_cipher"            if &bool("tls_log_cipher");
$log_selector .= "$sep +tls_peerdn"            if &bool("tls_log_peerdn");

if ($log_selector ne "")
  print STDOUT "#!!# All previous logging options are combined into a single\n"
             . "#!!# option in Exim 4. This setting is an approximation to\n"
             . "#!!# the previous state - some logging has changed.\n\n";
  print STDOUT "log_selector = $log_selector\n\n";

# If deliver_load_max is set, replace it with queue_only_load (taking the
# lower value if both set) and also set deliver_queue_load_max if it is
# not already set. When scanning for output, deliver_load_max is skipped.

if (defined $main{"deliver_load_max"})
  print STDERR "\n" .
"** deliver_load_max is abolished in Exim 4.\n";

  if (defined $main{"queue_only_load"})
    $queue_only_load_was_present = 1;
    if ($main{"queue_only_load"} < $main{"deliver_load_max"})
      print STDERR
"   As queue_only_load was set lower, deliver_load_max is just removed.\n";
      print STDERR
"   As queue_only_load was set higher, it's value has been replaced by\n" .
"   the value of deliver_load_max.\n";
      $main{"queue_only_load"} = $main{"deliver_load_max"};
    print STDERR
"   queue_only_load has been set to the load value.\n";
    $main{"queue_only_load"} = $main{"deliver_load_max"};

  if (!defined $main{"deliver_queue_load_max"})
    print STDERR
"   deliver_queue_load_max has been set to the value of queue_only_load.\n";
    $main{"deliver_queue_load_max"} = $main{"queue_only_load"};
    $deliver_queue_load_max_was_present = 1;

# Now we scan through the various parts of the file again, making changes
# as necessary.

# -------- The main configuration --------

$prefix = "";
MainLine: for ($i = 0; $i < $clen; $i++)
  my($nextline) = "";
  $type = &checkline($c[$i]);
  last if $type eq "end";

  if ($type eq "macro")
    $i++ while $c[$i] =~ /\\\s*$|^\s*#/;

  if ($type eq "comment") { print STDOUT "$c[$i]\n"; next; }

  # Collect any continuation lines for an option setting

  while ($rest =~ /\\\s*$/s || $nextline =~ /^\s*#/)
    $nextline = $c[++$i];
    $rest .= "\n$nextline";

  $rest =~ s/^=\s*//;

  # Deal with main options that are skipped (they are used in other
  # options in other places).

  for $skipped (@skipped_options)
    next MainLine if $name eq $skipped;

  # Deal with main options that are totally abolished

  for $abolished (@abolished_options)
    if ($name eq $abolished)
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** The $name option no longer exists, and has no equivalent\n" .
"   in Exim 4.\n";
      next MainLine;

  # There is a special case for rbl_warn_header

  if ($name eq "rbl_warn_header")
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** The $name option no longer exists. In Exim 4 you can achieve the\n" .
"   effect by adding a suitable \"message\" statement in the ACL.\n";

  # There is a special case for sender_reject and host_reject

  elsif ($name eq "sender_reject" || $name eq "host_reject")
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** The $name option no longer exists. Its data has been used in\n" .
"   an Access Control List as if it were in ${name}_recipients.\n";

  # And a special message for prohibition_message

  elsif ($name eq "prohibition_message")
    print STDERR "\n" .
"** The prohibition_message option no longer exists. The facility is\n" .
"   provided in a different way in Exim 4, via the \"message\" keyword\n" .
"   in Access Control Lists. It isn't possible to do an automatic conversion,\n" .
"   so the value of prohibition_message has been ignored. You will have to\n" .
"   modify the ACLs if you want to reinstate the feature.\n";

  # auth_always_advertise gets converted to auth_advertise_hosts

  elsif ($name eq "auth_always_advertise")
    print STDOUT "#!!# auth_always_advertise converted to auth_advertise_hosts\n";
    if (&bool("auth_always_advertise"))
      print STDOUT "auth_advertise_hosts = *\n";
      $sep = "";
      print STDOUT "auth_advertise_hosts =";
      if (defined $main{"auth_hosts"})
        print STDOUT "$sep +auth_hosts";
        $sep = " :";
      if (defined $main{"host_accept_relay"})
        print STDOUT "$sep !+relay_hosts";
        $sep = " :";
      if (defined $main{"host_auth_accept_relay"})
        print STDOUT "$sep +auth_relay_hosts";
      print STDOUT "\n";

  # Deal with main options that have to be rewritten

  elsif ($name eq "accept_timeout")
    print STDOUT "#!!# accept_timeout renamed receive_timeout\n";
    print STDOUT "receive_timeout = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "collapse_source_routes")
    print STDOUT "#!!# collapse_source_routes removed\n";
    print STDOUT "#!!# It has been a no-op since 3.10.\n";

  elsif ($name eq "daemon_smtp_service")
    print STDOUT "#!!# daemon_smtp_service renamed daemon_smtp_port\n";
    print STDOUT "daemon_smtp_port = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "dns_check_names" || $name eq "dns_check_names_pattern")
    if (!$done_dns_check_names)
      if (&bool("dns_check_names"))
        if (defined $main{"dns_check_names_pattern"})
          &outopt(\%main, "dns_check_names_pattern", 0);

        print STDOUT "#!!# dns_check_names has been abolished\n";
        print STDOUT "#!!# setting dns_check_pattern empty to turn off check\n";
        print STDOUT "dns_check_names_pattern =\n";

      $done_dns_check_names = 1;

  elsif ($name eq "deliver_load_max")
    print STDOUT "deliver_queue_load_max = $main{'deliver_queue_load_max'}\n"
      if !$deliver_queue_load_max_was_present;
    print STDOUT "queue_only_load = $main{'queue_only_load'}\n"
      if !$queue_only_load_was_present;

  elsif ($name eq "errmsg_file")
    print STDOUT "#!!# errmsg_file renamed bounce_message_file\n";
    print STDOUT "bounce_message_file = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "errmsg_text")
    print STDOUT "#!!# errmsg_text renamed bounce_message_text\n";
    print STDOUT "bounce_message_text = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "forbid_domain_literals")
    print STDOUT "#!!# forbid_domain_literals replaced by allow_domain_literals\n";
    print STDOUT "allow_domain_literals = ",
          &bool("forbid_domain_literals")? "false" : "true", "\n";

  elsif ($name eq "freeze_tell_mailmaster")
    print STDOUT "#!!# freeze_tell_mailmaster replaced by freeze_tell\n";
    if (&bool("freeze_tell_mailmaster"))
      print STDOUT "freeze_tell = ",
        ((defined $main{"errors_address"})?
          $main{"errors_address"} : "postmaster"), "\n";
      print STDOUT "#!!# freeze_tell is unset by default\n";

  elsif ($name eq "helo_verify")
    print STDOUT "#!!# helo_verify renamed helo_verify_hosts\n";
    printf STDOUT ("helo_verify_hosts = %s\n", &no_expand_regex($rest));

  elsif ($name eq "ignore_errmsg_errors")
    print STDOUT "ignore_bounce_errors_after = 0s\n";

  elsif ($name eq "ignore_errmsg_errors_after")
    print STDOUT "#!!# ignore_errmsg_errors_after renamed ignore_bounce_errors_after\n";
    print STDOUT "ignore_bounce_errors_after = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "ipv4_address_lookup" || $name eq "dns_ipv4_lookup")
    print STDOUT "#!!# $name changed to dns_ipv4_lookup\n"
      if $name eq "ipv4_address_lookup";
    print STDOUT "#!!# dns_ipv4_lookup is now a domain list\n";
    if (&bool($name))
      print STDOUT "dns_ipv4_lookup = *\n";
      print STDOUT "#!!# default for dns_ipv4_lookup is unset\n";

  elsif ($name eq "locally_caseless")
    print STDOUT "#!!# locally_caseless removed\n";
    print STDOUT "#!!# caseful_local_part will be added to ex-directors\n";
    $add_caseful_local_part = 1;

  elsif ($name eq "message_filter_directory2_transport")
    print STDOUT "#!!# message_filter_directory2_transport removed\n";

  elsif ($name =~ /^message_filter(.*)/)
    print STDOUT "#!!# $name renamed system_filter$1\n";
    print STDOUT "system_filter$1 = $rest\n";

  elsif ($name eq "queue_remote_domains")
    print STDOUT "#!!# queue_remote_domains renamed queue_domains\n";
    printf STDOUT ("queue_domains = %s\n", &no_expand_regex($rest));

  elsif ($name eq "receiver_unqualified_hosts")
    print STDOUT "#!!# receiver_unqualified_hosts renamed recipient_unqualified_hosts\n";
    printf STDOUT ("recipient_unqualified_hosts = %s\n",

  elsif ($name eq "remote_sort")
    print STDOUT "#!!# remote_sort renamed remote_sort_domains\n";
    printf STDOUT ("remote_sort_domains = %s\n", &no_expand_regex($rest));

  elsif ($name eq "security")
    if ($rest eq "unprivileged")
      print STDOUT "#!!# security=unprivileged changed to deliver_drop_privilege\n";
      print STDOUT "deliver_drop_privilege\n";
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** The 'security' option no longer exists.\n";

  elsif ($name eq "timestamps_utc")
    print STDOUT "#!!# timestamps_utc changed to use timezone\n";
    print STDOUT "timezone = utc\n";

  elsif ($name eq "untrusted_set_sender")
    print STDOUT "#!!# untrusted_set_sender is now a list of what can be set\n";
    print STDOUT "#!!# The default is an empty list.\n";
    if (&bool("untrusted_set_sender"))
      print STDOUT "untrusted_set_sender = *\n";

  elsif ($name eq "warnmsg_file")
    print STDOUT "#!!# warnmsg_file renamed warn_message_file\n";
    print STDOUT "warn_message_file = $rest\n";

  # Remaining options just get copied unless they are one of those that's
  # a list where any regular expressions have to be escaped.

    my($no_expand) = 0;
    foreach $o (@list_options)
      if ($name eq $o)
        $no_expand = 1;
    &outopt(\%main, $name, $no_expand);

# -------- The ACL configuration --------

print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# This new section of the configuration contains ACLs #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# (Access Control Lists) derived from the Exim 3      #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# policy control options.                             #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";

print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# These ACLs are crudely constructed from Exim 3 options.\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# They are almost certainly not optimal. You should study\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# them and rewrite as necessary.\n";

print STDOUT "\nbegin acl\n\n";

# Output an ACL for use after the RCPT command. This combines all the previous
# policy checking options.

print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the RCPT command\n";
print STDOUT "check_recipient:\n";

print STDOUT "  # Exim 3 had no checking on -bs messages, so for compatibility\n";
print STDOUT "  # we accept if the source is local SMTP (i.e. not over TCP/IP).\n";
print STDOUT "  # We do this by testing for an empty sending host field.\n";
print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = :\n";

if (defined $main{"tls_verify_ciphers"})
  print STDOUT "  deny    ";
  print STDOUT "hosts = $main{'tls_verify_hosts'}\n         "
    if defined $main{"tls_verify_hosts"};
  print STDOUT " encrypted = *\n         ";
  print STDOUT "!encrypted = $main{'tls_verify_ciphers'}\n";

print STDOUT "  deny    hosts = +auth_hosts\n" .
             "          message = authentication required\n" .
             "         !authenticated = *\n"
  if defined $main{"auth_hosts"};

print STDOUT "  deny    hosts = +tls_hosts\n" .
             "          message = encryption required\n" .
             "         !encrypted = *\n"
  if defined $main{"tls_hosts"};

printf STDOUT ("  accept  recipients = %s\n",
      if defined $main{"recipients_reject_except"};

printf STDOUT ("  accept  senders = %s\n",
      if defined $main{"recipients_reject_except_senders"};

printf STDOUT ("  deny    hosts = %s\n", &acl_quote($main{"host_reject"}))
  if defined $main{"host_reject"};

printf STDOUT ("  deny    hosts = %s\n",
    if defined $main{"host_reject_recipients"};

if (defined $main{"rbl_domains"})
  my($msg) = "message = host is listed in \$dnslist_domain\n          ";
  my($hlist) = (defined $main{"rbl_hosts"})?
    "hosts = +rbl_hosts\n          " : "";

  print STDOUT "  accept  ${hlist}dnslists = $rbl_accept_domains\n"
    if defined $rbl_accept_domains;
  print STDOUT "  deny    ${hlist}${msg}dnslists = $rbl_reject_domains\n"
    if defined $rbl_reject_domains;
  print STDOUT "  warn    ${hlist}" .
    "message = X-Warning: \$sender_host_address is listed at \$dnslist_domain\n" .
    "          dnslists = $rbl_warn_domains\n"
      if defined $rbl_warn_domains;

  if (defined $main{"host_accept_relay"})
    $hlist .= "hosts = !+relay_hosts\n          ";
    print STDOUT "  accept  ${hlist}dnslists = $rbl_accept_skiprelay\n"
      if defined $rbl_accept_skiprelay;
    print STDOUT "  deny    ${hlist}${msg}dnslists = $rbl_reject_skiprelay\n"
      if defined $rbl_reject_skiprelay;
    print STDOUT "  warn    ${hlist}" .
      "message = X-Warning: \$sender_host_address is listed at \$dnslist_domain\n" .
      "          dnslists = $rbl_warn_skiprelay\n"
        if defined $rbl_warn_skiprelay;

printf STDOUT ("  deny    senders = %s\n",
  &acl_quote(&sort_address_list($main{"sender_reject"}, "sender_reject")))
    if defined $main{"sender_reject"};

printf STDOUT ("  deny    senders = %s\n",
      if defined $main{"sender_reject_recipients"};

if (&bool("sender_verify"))
  if (defined $main{"sender_verify_hosts_callback"} &&
      defined $main{"sender_verify_callback_domains"})
    printf STDOUT ("  deny    hosts = %s\n",
    printf STDOUT ("          sender_domains = %s\n",
    print  STDOUT  "         !verify = sender/callout";
    print  STDOUT  "=$main{\"sender_verify_callback_timeout\"}"
      if defined $main{"sender_verify_callback_timeout"};
    print  STDOUT  "\n";

  if (defined $main{"sender_verify_hosts"})
    printf STDOUT ("  deny    hosts = %s\n",
    print  STDOUT  "         !verify = sender\n";
    print STDOUT "  require verify = sender\n";

if (&bool("receiver_verify"))
  print  STDOUT  "  deny    message = unrouteable address\n";
  printf STDOUT ("          recipients = %s\n",
        if defined $main{"receiver_verify_addresses"};
  printf STDOUT ("          hosts = %s\n",
      if defined $main{"receiver_verify_hosts"};
  printf STDOUT ("          senders = %s\n",
        if defined $main{"receiver_verify_senders"};
  print  STDOUT  "         !verify = recipient\n";

print STDOUT "  accept  domains = +local_domains\n"
  if $local_domains !~ /^\s*$/;

print STDOUT "  accept  domains = +relay_domains\n"
  if $relay_domains !~ /^\s*$/;

if (defined $main{"host_accept_relay"})
  if (defined $main{"sender_address_relay"})
    if (defined $main{"sender_address_relay_hosts"})
      printf STDOUT ("  accept  hosts = %s\n",
      print  STDOUT  "          endpass\n";
      print  STDOUT  "          message = invalid sender\n";
      printf STDOUT ("          senders = %s\n",
      print  STDOUT  "  accept  hosts = +relay_hosts\n";
      print  STDOUT  "  accept  hosts = +relay_hosts\n";
      print  STDOUT  "          endpass\n";
      print  STDOUT  "          message = invalid sender\n";
      printf STDOUT ("          senders = %s\n",
    print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = +relay_hosts\n";

print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = +auth_relay_hosts\n" .
             "          endpass\n" .
             "          message = authentication required\n" .
             "          authenticated = *\n"
  if defined $main{"host_auth_accept_relay"};

print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = +tls_relay_hosts\n" .
             "          endpass\n" .
             "          message = encryption required\n" .
             "          encrypted = *\n"
  if defined $main{"tls_host_accept_relay"};

print STDOUT "  deny    message = relay not permitted\n\n";

# Output an ACL for use after the DATA command. This is concerned with
# header checking.

print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command\n";
print STDOUT "check_message:\n";

# Default for headers_checks_fail is true

if (!defined $main{"headers_checks_fail"} ||
    $main{"headers_checks_fail"} eq "true")
  print STDOUT "  require verify = header_syntax\n"
    if &bool("headers_check_syntax");
  print STDOUT "  require verify = header_sender\n"
    if &bool("headers_sender_verify");
  print STDOUT "  accept  senders = !:\n  require verify = header_sender\n"
    if &bool("headers_sender_verify_errmsg");
  print STDOUT "  warn    !verify = header_syntax\n"
    if &bool("headers_check_syntax");
  print STDOUT "  warn    !verify = header_sender\n"
    if &bool("headers_sender_verify");
  print STDOUT "  accept  senders = !:\n  warn    !verify = header_sender\n"
    if &bool("headers_sender_verify_errmsg");

print STDOUT "  accept\n\n";

# Output an ACL for AUTH if required

if (defined $main{"auth_over_tls_hosts"})
  print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the AUTH command\n" .
               "check_auth:\n" .
               "  accept  hosts = +auth_over_tls_hosts\n" .
               "          endpass\n" .
               "          message = STARTTLS required before AUTH\n" .
               "          encrypted = *\n" .
               "  accept\n";

# Output ACLs for ETRN, EXPN, and VRFY if required

if (defined $main{"smtp_etrn_hosts"})
  print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the ETRN command\n" .
  print STDOUT "  deny    hosts = +auth_hosts\n" .
               "          message = authentication required\n" .
               "         !authenticated = *\n"
    if defined $main{"auth_hosts"};
  print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = $main{\"smtp_etrn_hosts\"}\n\n";

if (defined $main{"smtp_expn_hosts"})
  print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the EXPN command\n" .
  print STDOUT "  deny    hosts = +auth_hosts\n" .
               "          message = authentication required\n" .
               "         !authenticated = *\n"
    if defined $main{"auth_hosts"};
  print STDOUT "  accept  hosts = $main{\"smtp_expn_hosts\"}\n\n";

if (&bool("smtp_verify"))
  print STDOUT "#!!# ACL that is used after the VRFY command\n" .
  print STDOUT "  deny    hosts = +auth_hosts\n" .
               "          message = authentication required\n" .
               "         !authenticated = *\n"
    if defined $main{"auth_hosts"};
  print STDOUT "  accept\n\n";

# -------- The authenticators --------

$started = 0;
for ($i = $auth_start; $i < $clen; $i++)
  if (!$started)
    if ($c[$i] !~ /^\s*(#|$)/)
      print STDOUT "\nbegin authenticators\n\n";
      $started = 1;
  print STDOUT "$c[$i]\n";

# -------- Rewrite section --------

$started = 0;
for ($i = $rewrite_start; $i < $clen && $i < $auth_start - 1; $i++)
  if (!$started)
    if ($c[$i] !~ /^\s*(#|$)/)
      print STDOUT "\nbegin rewrite\n\n";
      $started = 1;

# -------- The routers configuration --------

# The new routers configuration is created out of the old directors and routers
# configuration. We put the old routers first, adding a "domains" option to
# any that don't have one, to make them select the domains that do not match
# the original local_domains. The routers get modified as necessary, and the
# final one has "no_more" set, unless it has conditions. In that case we have
# to add an extra router to be sure of failing all non-local addresses that
# fall through. We do this also if there are no routers at all. The old
# directors follow, modified as required.

$prefix = "r.";
undef @comments;

print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# Here follow routers created from the old routers,   #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# for handling non-local domains.                     #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";

print STDOUT "\nbegin routers\n\n";

for ($i = $router_start; $i < $clen; $i++)
  $type = &checkline($c[$i]);
  last if $type eq "end";

  if ($type eq "comment") { push(@comments, "$c[$i]\n"); next; }

  # When we hit the start of a driver, modify its options as necessary,
  # and then output it from the stored option settings, having first output
  # and previous comments.

  if ($type eq "driver")
    print STDOUT shift @comments while scalar(@comments) > 0;

    $hash = $driverlist{"$prefix$name"};
    $driver = $$hash{"driver"};
    print STDOUT "$name:\n";

    $add_no_more =
      ! defined $$hash{"domains"} &&
      ! defined $$hash{"local_parts"} &&
      ! defined $$hash{"senders"} &&
      ! defined $$hash{"condition"} &&
      ! defined $$hash{"require_files"} &&
      (!defined $$hash{"verify_only"} || $$hash{"verify_only"} eq "false") &&
      (!defined $$hash{"verify"} || $$hash{"verify"} eq "true");

    # Create a "domains" setting if there isn't one, unless local domains
    # was explicitly empty.

    $$hash{"domains"} = "! +local_domains"
      if !defined $$hash{"domains"} && $local_domains !~ /^\s*$/;

    # If the router had a local_parts setting, add caseful_local_part

    $$hash{"caseful_local_part"} = "true" if defined $$hash{"local_parts"};

    # If the router has "self=local" set, change it to "self=pass", and
    # set pass_router to the router that was the first director. Change the
    # obsolete self settings of "fail_hard" and "fail_soft" to "fail" and
    # "pass".

    if (defined $$hash{"self"})
      if ($$hash{"self"} eq "local")
        $$hash{"self"} = "pass";
        $$hash{"pass_router"} = $first_director;
      elsif ($$hash{"self"} eq "fail_hard")
        $$hash{"self"} = "fail";
      elsif ($$hash{"self"} eq "fail_soft")
        $$hash{"self"} = "pass";

    # If the router had a require_files setting, check it for user names
    # and colons that are part of expansion items

    if (defined $$hash{"require_files"})
      &check_require($$hash{"require_files"}, "'$name' router");
      if (($$hash{"require_files"} =~ s/(\$\{\w+):/$1::/g) > 0 ||
          ($$hash{"require_files"} =~ s/ldap:/ldap::/g) > 0)
        print STDERR "\n" .
"*** A setting of require_files in the $name router contains\n" .
"    a colon in what appears to be an expansion item. In Exim 3, the\n" .
"    whole string was expanded before splitting the list, but in Exim 4\n" .
"    each item is expanded separately, so colons that are not list\n" .
"    item separators have to be doubled. One or more such colons in this\n" .
"    list have been doubled as a precaution. Please check the result.\n";

    # If the router had a "senders" setting, munge the address list

    $$hash{"senders"} = &sort_address_list($$hash{"senders"}, "senders")
      if defined $$hash{"senders"};

    # ---- Changes to domainlist router ----

    if ($driver eq "domainlist")
      &abolished($hash, "A domainlist router",
        "modemask", "owners", "owngroups",
        "qualify_single", "search_parents");

      # The name has changed

      $$hash{"driver"} = "manualroute";

      # Turn "route_file", "route_query" and "route_queries" into lookups for
      # route_data.

      if (defined $$hash{"route_file"})
        $$hash{"route_data"} = "\${lookup\{\$domain\}$$hash{'search_type'}" .
      elsif (defined $$hash{"route_query"})
        $$hash{"route_data"} = "\${lookup $$hash{'search_type'}" .
                               "\{" . &unquote($$hash{'route_query'}) . "\}\}";
      elsif (defined $$hash{"route_queries"})
        $endkets = 0;
        $$hash{"route_data"} = "";
        $route_queries = $$hash{'route_queries'};
        $route_queries =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/s;
        $route_queries =~ s/::/++colons++/g;
        @qq = split(/:/, $route_queries);

        foreach $q (@qq)
          $q =~ s/\+\+colons\+\+/:/g;
          $q =~ s/^\s+//;
          $q =~ s/\s+$//;
          if ($endkets > 0)
            $$hash{"route_data"} .= "\\\n    {";
          $$hash{"route_data"} .= "\${lookup $$hash{'search_type'} \{$q\}\{\$value\}";

        $$hash{"route_data"} .= "}" x $endkets;

      delete $$hash{"route_file"};
      delete $$hash{"route_query"};
      delete $$hash{"route_queries"};
      delete $$hash{"search_type"};

      # But we can't allow both route_data and route_list

      if (defined $$hash{"route_data"} && defined $$hash{"route_list"})
        print STDERR "\n" .
"** An Exim 3 'domainlist' router called '$name' contained a 'route_list'\n" .
"   option as well as a setting of 'route_file', 'route_query', or\n" .
"   'route_queries'. The latter has been turned into a 'route_data' setting,\n".
"   but in Exim 4 you can't have both 'route_data' and 'route_list'. You'll\n" .
"   have to rewrite this router; in the meantime, 'route_list' has been\n" .
"   omitted.\n";
        print STDOUT "#!!# route_list option removed\n";
        delete $$hash{"route_list"};

      # Change bydns_a into bydns in a route_list; also bydns_mx, but that
      # works differently.

      if (defined $$hash{"route_list"})
        $$hash{"route_list"} =~ s/bydns_a/bydns/g;
        if ($$hash{"route_list"} =~ /bydns_mx/)
          $$hash{"route_list"} =~ s/bydns_mx/bydns/g;
          print STDERR "\n" .
"*** An Exim 3 'domainlist' router called '$name' contained a 'route_list'\n" .
"    option which used 'bydns_mx'. This feature no longer exists in Exim 4.\n" .
"    It has been changed to 'bydns', but it won't have the same effect,\n" .
"    because it will look for A rather than MX records. Use the 'dnslookup'\n" .
"    router to do MX lookups - if you want to override the hosts found from\n" .
"    MX records, you should route to a special 'smtp' transport which has\n" .
"    both 'hosts' and 'hosts_override' set.\n";

      # Arrange to not expand regex

      $$hash{"route_list"} = &no_expand_regex($$hash{"route_list"}, ";")
        if (defined $$hash{"route_list"})

    # ---- Changes to iplookup router ----

    elsif ($driver eq "iplookup")
      &renamed($hash, "service", "port");

    # ---- Changes to lookuphost router ----

    elsif ($driver eq "lookuphost")
      $$hash{"driver"} = "dnslookup";

      if (defined $$hash{"gethostbyname"})
        print STDERR "\n" .
"** An Exim 3 'lookuphost' router called '$name' used the 'gethostbyname'\n" .
"   option, which no longer exists. You will have to rewrite it.\n";
        print STDOUT "#!!# gethostbyname option removed\n";
        delete $$hash{"gethostbyname"};

      $$hash{"mx_domains"} = &no_expand_regex($$hash{"mx_domains"})
        if defined $$hash{"mx_domains"};

    # ---- Changes to the queryprogram router ----

    elsif ($driver eq "queryprogram")
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** The configuration contains a 'queryprogram' router. Please note that\n" .
"   the specification for the text that is returned by the program run\n" .
"   by this router has changed in Exim 4. You will need to modify your\n" .
"   program.\n";

      if (!defined $$hash{'command_user'})
        print STDERR "\n" .
"** The 'queryprogram' router called '$name' does not have a setting for\n" .
"   the 'command_user' option. This is mandatory in Exim 4. A setting of\n" .
"   'nobody' has been created.\n";
        $$hash{"command_user"} = "nobody";

    # -------------------------------------

    # Output the router's option settings


  # Skip past any continuation lines for an option setting
  while ($c[$i] =~ /\\\s*$/s && $i < $clen - 1)
    $i++ while ($c[$i] =~ /^\s*#/);

# Add "no_more" to the final driver from the old routers, provided it had no
# conditions. Otherwise, or if there were no routers, make up one to fail all
# non-local domains.

if ($add_no_more)
  print STDOUT "  no_more\n";
  print STDOUT shift @comments while scalar(@comments) > 0;
  print STDOUT shift @comments while scalar(@comments) > 0;
  print STDOUT "\n#!!# This new router is put here to fail all domains that\n";
  print STDOUT "#!!# were not in local_domains in the Exim 3 configuration.\n\n";
  print STDOUT "fail_remote_domains:\n";
  print STDOUT "  driver = redirect\n";
  print STDOUT "  domains = ! +local_domains\n";
  print STDOUT "  allow_fail\n";
  print STDOUT "  data = :fail: unrouteable mail domain \"\$domain\"\n\n";

# Now copy the directors, making appropriate changes

print STDOUT "\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# Here follow routers created from the old directors, #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!# for handling local domains.                         #!!#\n";
print STDOUT "#!!#######################################################!!#\n";

$prefix = "d.";
for ($i = $director_start; $i < $clen; $i++)
  $type = &checkline($c[$i]);
  last if $type eq "end";

  if ($type eq "comment") { print STDOUT "$c[$i]\n"; next; }

  undef $second_router;

  if ($type eq "driver")
    $hash = $driverlist{"$prefix$name"};
    $driver = $$hash{"driver"};
    print STDOUT "$name:\n";

    $$hash{"caseful_local_part"} = "true" if $add_caseful_local_part;

    if (defined $$hash{"local_parts"} &&
        (defined $$hash{"prefix"} || defined $hash{"suffix"}))
      print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains a director called '$name' which has\n" .
"   'local_parts' set, together with either or both of 'prefix' and 'suffix'\n".
"   This combination has a different effect in Exim 4, where the affix\n" .
"   is removed *before* 'local_parts' is tested. You will probably need\n" .
"   to make changes to this driver.\n";

    &renamed($hash, "prefix", "local_part_prefix");
    &renamed($hash, "prefix_optional", "local_part_prefix_optional");
    &renamed($hash, "suffix", "local_part_suffix");
    &renamed($hash, "suffix_optional", "local_part_suffix_optional");
    &renamed($hash, "new_director", "redirect_router");

    &handle_current_and_home_directory($hash, $driver, $name);

    # If the director had a require_files setting, check it for user names
    # and colons that are part of expansion items

    if (defined $$hash{"require_files"})
      &check_require($$hash{"require_files"}, "'$name' director");
      if (($$hash{"require_files"} =~ s/(\$\{\w+):/$1::/g) > 0 ||
          ($$hash{"require_files"} =~ s/ldap:/ldap::/g) > 0)
        print STDERR "\n" .
"*** A setting of require_files in the $name director contains\n" .
"    a colon in what appears to be an expansion item. In Exim 3, the\n" .
"    whole string was expanded before splitting the list, but in Exim 4\n" .
"    each item is expanded separately, so colons that are not list\n" .
"    item separators have to be doubled. One or more such colons in this\n" .
"    list have been doubled as a precaution. Please check the result.\n";

    # If the director had a "senders" setting, munge the address list

    $$hash{"senders"} = &sort_address_list($$hash{"senders"}, "senders")
      if defined $$hash{"senders"};

    # ---- Changes to aliasfile director ----

    if ($driver eq "aliasfile")
      &abolished($hash, "An aliasfile director",
        "directory2_transport", "freeze_missing_include",
        "modemask", "owners", "owngroups");

      $$hash{"driver"} = "redirect";

      $key = "\$local_part";
      $key = "\$local_part\@\$domain"
        if defined $$hash{"include_domain"} &&
          $$hash{"include_domain"} eq "true";
      delete $$hash{"include_domain"};

      if (defined $$hash{"forbid_special"} && $$hash{"forbid_special"} eq "true")
        $$hash{"forbid_blackhole"} = "true";
        $$hash{"allow_defer"} = "true";
        $$hash{"allow_fail"} = "true";
      delete $$hash{"forbid_special"};

      # Deal with "file", "query", or "queries"

      if (defined $$hash{"file"})
        $$hash{"data"} =
        if (defined $$hash{"optional"} && $$hash{"optional"} eq "true")
          $$hash{"data"} =
            "\$\{if exists\{$$hash{'file'}\}\{$$hash{'data'}\}\}";
        delete $$hash{"optional"};
      elsif (defined $$hash{"query"})
        &abolished($hash, "An aliasfile director", "optional");
        $$hash{"data"} = "\${lookup $$hash{'search_type'} " .
                         "\{" . &unquote($$hash{'query'}) . "\}\}";
      else   # Must be queries
        &abolished($hash, "An aliasfile director", "optional");
        $endkets = 0;
        $$hash{"data"} = "";
        $queries = $$hash{'queries'};
        $queries =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/s;
        $queries =~ s/::/++colons++/g;
        @qq = split(/:/, $queries);

        foreach $q (@qq)
          $q =~ s/\+\+colons\+\+/:/g;
          $q =~ s/^\s+//;
          $q =~ s/\s+$//;
          if ($endkets > 0)
            $$hash{"data"} .= "\\\n    {";
          $$hash{"data"} .= "\${lookup $$hash{'search_type'} \{$q\}\{\$value\}";

        $$hash{"data"} .= "}" x $endkets;

      $$hash{"data"} = "\${expand:$$hash{'data'}\}"
        if (defined $$hash{"expand"} && $$hash{"expand"} eq "true");

      delete $$hash{"expand"};
      delete $$hash{"file"};
      delete $$hash{"query"};
      delete $$hash{"queries"};
      delete $$hash{"search_type"};

      # Turn aliasfile + transport into accept + condition

      if (defined $$hash{'transport'})
        if (!defined $$hash{'condition'})
          print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains an aliasfile director called '$name',\n".
"   which has 'transport' set. This has been turned into an 'accept' router\n".
"   with a 'condition' setting, but should be carefully checked.\n";
          $$hash{'driver'} = "accept";
          $$hash{'condition'} =
            "\$\{if eq \{\}\{$$hash{'data'}\}\{no\}\{yes\}\}";
          delete $$hash{'data'};
          delete $$hash{'allow_defer'};
          delete $$hash{'allow_fail'};
          print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains an aliasfile director called '$name',\n".
"   which has 'transport' set. This cannot be turned into an 'accept' router\n".
"   with a 'condition' setting, because there is already a 'condition'\n" .
"   setting. It has been left as 'redirect' with a transport, which is\n" .
"   invalid - you must sort this one out.\n";

    # ---- Changes to forwardfile director ----

    elsif ($driver eq "forwardfile")
      &abolished($hash, "A forwardfile director",
        "check_group", "directory2_transport",
        "freeze_missing_include", "match_directory",

      &renamed($hash, "filter", "allow_filter");

      $$hash{"driver"} = "redirect";
      $$hash{"check_local_user"} = "true"
        if !defined $$hash{"check_local_user"};

      if (defined $$hash{"forbid_pipe"} && $$hash{"forbid_pipe"} eq "true")
        print STDOUT "#!!# forbid_filter_run added because forbid_pipe is set\n";
        $$hash{"forbid_filter_run"} = "true";

      if (defined $$hash{'allow_system_actions'} &&
          $$hash{'allow_system_actions'} eq 'true')
        $$hash{'allow_freeze'} = "true";
      delete $$hash{'allow_system_actions'};

      # If file_directory is defined, use it to qualify relative paths; if not,
      # and check_local_user is defined, use $home. Remove file_directory from
      # the output.

      $dir = "";
      if (defined $$hash{"file_directory"})
        $dir = $$hash{"file_directory"} . "/";
        delete $$hash{"file_directory"};
      elsif ($$hash{"check_local_user"} eq "true")
        $dir = "\$home/";

      # If it begins with an upper case letter, guess that this is really
      # a macro.

      if (defined $$hash{"file"} && $$hash{"file"} !~ /^[\/A-Z]/)
        $$hash{"file"} = $dir . $$hash{"file"};

    # ---- Changes to localuser director ----

    elsif ($driver eq "localuser")
      &abolished($hash, "A localuser director", "match_directory");
      $$hash{"driver"} = "accept";
      $$hash{"check_local_user"} = "true";

    # ---- Changes to smartuser director ----

    elsif ($driver eq "smartuser")
      &abolished($hash, "A smartuser director", "panic_expansion_fail");

      $transport = $$hash{"transport"};
      $new_address = $$hash{"new_address"};

      if (defined $transport && defined $new_address)
        print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains a smartuser director called '$name',\n".
"   which has both 'transport' and 'new_address' set. This has been turned\n".
"   into two routers for Exim 4. However, if the new address contains a\n" .
"   reference to \$local_part, this won't work correctly. In any case, you\n".
"   may be able to make it tidier by rewriting.\n";
        $$hash{"driver"} = "redirect";
        $$hash{"data"} = $new_address;
        $$hash{"redirect_router"} = "${name}_part2";

        $second_router = "\n".
          "#!!# This router is invented to go with the previous one because\n".
          "#!!# in Exim 4 you can't have a change of address and a transport\n".
          "#!!# setting in the same router as you could in Exim 3.\n\n" .
          "  driver = accept\n".
          "  condition = \$\{if eq\{\$local_part@\$domain\}" .
          "  transport = $$hash{'transport'}\n";

        delete $$hash{"new_address"};
        delete $$hash{"transport"};
      elsif (defined $new_address)
        $$hash{"driver"} = "redirect";
        $$hash{"data"} = $new_address;
        $$hash{"allow_defer"} = "true";
        $$hash{"allow_fail"} = "true";
        delete $$hash{"new_address"};
      else     # Includes the case of neither set (verify_only)
        $$hash{"driver"} = "accept";
        if (defined $$hash{"rewrite"})
          print STDERR "\n" .
"** The Exim 3 configuration contains a setting of the 'rewrite' option on\n".
"   a smartuser director called '$name', but this director does not have\n".
"   a setting of 'new_address', so 'rewrite' has no effect. The director\n".
"   has been turned into an 'accept' router, and 'rewrite' has been discarded.";
          delete $$hash{"rewrite"};

    # -------------------------------------

    # For ex-directors that don't have check_local_user set, add
    # retry_use_local_part to imitate what Exim 3 would have done.

    $$hash{"retry_use_local_part"} = "true"
      if (!defined $$hash{"check_local_user"} ||
          $$hash{"check_local_user"} eq "false") ;

    # Output the router's option settings


    # Output an auxiliary router if one is needed

    print STDOUT $second_router if defined $second_router;


  # Skip past any continuation lines for an option setting
  while ($c[$i] =~ /\\\s*$/s)
    $i++ while ($c[$i] =~ /^\s*#/);

# -------- The transports configuration --------

$started = 0;
$prefix = "t.";
for ($i = $transport_start; $i < $clen; $i++)
  $type = &checkline($c[$i]);
  last if $type eq "end";

  if ($type eq "comment") { print STDOUT "$c[$i]\n"; next; }

  if (!$started)
    print STDOUT "begin transports\n\n";
    $started = 1;

  if ($type eq "driver")
    $hash = $driverlist{"$prefix$name"};
    $driver = $$hash{"driver"};
    print STDOUT "$name:\n";

    # ---- Changes to the appendfile transport ----

    if ($driver eq "appendfile")
      &renamed($hash, "prefix", "message_prefix");
      &renamed($hash, "suffix", "message_suffix");
      &abolished($hash, "An appendfile transport",
      if (defined $$hash{"from_hack"} && $$hash{"from_hack"} eq "false")
        print STDOUT "#!!# no_from_hack replaced by check_string\n";
        $$hash{"check_string"} = "";
      delete $$hash{"from_hack"};

    # ---- Changes to the lmtp transport ----

    elsif ($driver eq "lmtp")
      if (defined $$hash{"batch"} && $$hash{"batch"} ne "none")
        $$hash{"batch_max"} = "100" if !defined $$hash{"batch_max"};
        $$hash{"batch_id"} = "\$domain" if $$hash{"batch"} eq "domain";
        $$hash{"batch_max"} = "1" if defined $$hash{"batch_max"};
      delete $$hash{"batch"};

    # ---- Changes to the pipe transport ----

    elsif ($driver eq "pipe")
      &renamed($hash, "prefix", "message_prefix");
      &renamed($hash, "suffix", "message_suffix");
      if (defined $$hash{"from_hack"} && $$hash{"from_hack"} eq "false")
        print STDOUT "#!!# no_from_hack replaced by check_string\n";
        $$hash{"check_string"} = "";
      delete $$hash{"from_hack"};

    # ---- Changes to the smtp transport ----

    elsif ($driver eq "smtp")
      &abolished($hash, "An smtp transport", "mx_domains");
      &renamed($hash, "service", "port");
      &renamed($hash, "tls_verify_ciphers", "tls_require_ciphers");
      &renamed($hash, "authenticate_hosts", "hosts_try_auth");

      if (defined $$hash{"batch_max"})
        print STDOUT "#!!# batch_max renamed connection_max_messages\n";
        $$hash{"connection_max_messages"} = $$hash{"batch_max"};
        delete $$hash{"batch_max"};

      foreach $o ("hosts_try_auth", "hosts_avoid_tls", "hosts_require_tls",
                  "mx_domains", "serialize_hosts")
        $$hash{$o} = &no_expand_regex($$hash{$o}) if defined $$hash{$o};


  # Skip past any continuation lines for an option setting
  while ($c[$i] =~ /\\\s*$/s)
    $i++ while ($c[$i] =~ /^\s*#/);

# -------- The retry configuration --------

$started = 0;
for ($i = $retry_start; $i < $clen && $i < $rewrite_start - 1; $i++)
  if (!$started)
    if ($c[$i] !~ /^\s*(#|$)/)
      print STDOUT "\nbegin retry\n\n";
      $started = 1;

print STDOUT "\n# End of Exim 4 configuration\n";

print STDERR "\n*******************************************************\n";
print STDERR   "***** Please review the generated file carefully. *****\n";
print STDERR   "*******************************************************\n\n";

# End of convert4r4

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AnonSec Team